Entrepreneurship By Feliciano Fajardo Pdf 16
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Entrepreneurship By Feliciano Fajardo Pdf 16
Fajardo Publisher: Rex Bookshop Good condition No highlights/records on Management Economics Business Strategy 16 days ago.n Further Reading: Entrepreneurship: no limits. Publishing Houses Publishing House “Peter” ol pm. Why should you immediately go to the publishing house for … Book: Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs Fajardo Publisher: Knizhnik Genre: sales manager Warning: no est. Translation: C.A.N. Language: Russian ISBN: 978-5-386-00937-7 Year of publication: 2003 Year of publication in Russia: 2004 Pages: 404 Size: 18.98 Description: A new edition of the book “undertaken and enterprising…
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The monograph is a new look at the “main” issue of business: what is the role of administrators in the efficiency and development of the company? The author offers his answer to this question in the form of a holistic theory that takes into account the general patterns of business. It names the reasons for the uniqueness of the American system of government, shows how it functions, what are its strengths and weaknesses, gives a systematic approach and an accurate analysis of these features. Particular attention is paid to the role and place of “authors” in the process of company management. Based on a variety of sources, the book will become a desktop book for managers seeking to understand how a business functions and transforms, driven by the will of the “author”, without which he has no …
Pages 100 Language: Russian Format: rtf, fb2 / rar Size: 10.41 Mb Annotation: This manual discusses the main patterns of the market – competition, market entry strategies and competitive strategy, interaction with competitors, the right choice of a market niche for an enterprise, place in the market in terms of macroeconomic assessment of enterprises, the formation of an enterprise strategy and its competitiveness, as well as the competitive strategies of firms participating in the struggle for …
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Educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of the school-complex of the VIII type. Form of education: distance learning. Technology: part-time (on the basis of basic general education). [pdf] Title: Educational space of the school-complex of the VIII type Publication genre: Social studies, law Year: 2010 File format: pdf
How to build effective communications between the head and employees of the enterprise. Instructional video tutorial. Views: 3701, votes 12 Date: 2011-12-22 Views: 702 And