Dating websites for single mothers
While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, here are several things to keep in mind as you make your way through the dating world.
1. If you love it, you should try it.
Photo by wangizi.
Sure, you might be thinking, “I’m happily single at the moment, and I really like the idea of casual dating,” but if you really want to get to know another person (and take it seriously), you might be surprised by how much you enjoy it. Plus, if you don’t take part in the experience, you might miss out on meeting your next best friend or partner.
Case in point: I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for two months, but I’ve spent every one of those months doing something—from volunteering at my local animal shelter, to the way I dressed—in such a way that I was authentically myself. While I’m completely happy being single, I’m aware that I’ve never said anything off the cuff in a serious way, and I’ve never taken the initiative to do something that will potentially affect someone’s life.
On the other hand, I’m about to go on a four-day vacation with my friends, and it’s up to me to organize the trip. I know my friends are expecting me to come home with pictures of me and some guy sitting on a street corner somewhere, but I’m doing it. Instead of obsessing over all my romantic goals, I’m having fun with a group of close friends and enjoying the experience because this is the first time I’ve done something like this. And since I’m open and free-spirited, I’m more likely to make a friend instead of some random guy.
2. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.
Photo by Rene.
Of course, being yourself isn’t a given. You have to worry about how others perceive you. Even if you have no shame in your sexual preferences, there’s still the possibility that others might judge you. But the most important thing is to be comfortable with the person you’re becoming as you date new people and develop new relationships.
There’s nothing wrong with dating someone who’s very different from yourself. It’s how you handle that difference—with tolerance and generosity—that may be the difference between a great relationship and a relationship that fizzles out. Trust me, you’ll feel better if your new buddy likes as many of the same things as you
Sure, there’s the whole PUA/pick-up artist thing, but dating has changed quite a bit since the 80s (the peak of the pickup artist explosion). You can, with a bit of work, actually come across as a pretty good date, and there are plenty of men and women looking to connect with someone who isn’t waiting to be “fixed” by a magic date-night cure-all.
If you’re more interested in casual dating than the whole relationship thing, think of this as a jump-start into the world of dating.
What You Can’t Do On A First Date
The following activities are commonly agreed upon as “unprofessional behavior” on a first date, as outlined by I Love You Really in their guide to dating:
The whole “Doing Things Together” thing will lead to you signing an annoying lease with your one-night fling. You’re much better off having one-on-one interactions with one person and then sharing your experiences with them.
If you agree to go on a double-date with a new acquaintance or any of your existing friends, you’ll instantly jeopardize your one-on-one time with a person you may see a lot of. In addition, everyone will start comparing their interests and dates to try to reach some kind of “average” date, which will inevitably not be the sort of date you had in mind.
You should also absolutely never share the most intimate details of your life during a date. No matter how the date goes, you never want to be the person who tells the other person that you’re into kink, or that you think that having sex with your significant other all the time makes them fall in love, or that you see yourself in marriage. This doesn’t mean you can’t be honest about the kind of things you’d like to explore with your partner down the road, it just means you shouldn’t share this information on a first date.
Ultimately, each person needs to decide if they’re up for “the full court press” or if they’re happy just sharing a few dates and seeing how it goes from there. Do you want to start off by getting to know each other? Do you want to just see what happens? Neither is a bad thing, but you need to make sure you’re not wasting both of your time by setting yourself up for disappointment.
You should also never expect a date to break up with you on the spot, but