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Rinzo XML Editor is a professional XML editor that lets you design and create your own XML documents easily. XML is the markup language for the Extensible Markup Language, one of the most popular lightweight markup languages to present information. XML is supported by almost all applications, web servers, and internet browsers. Rinzo XML Editor is a powerful XML editor for the Mac OS, and includes a rich set of features that allows you to edit your XML documents easily. Its features include – Import/export and export XML – Editing XML Documents – Paste XML Documents – Saving XML as templates – Working with Microsoft XSLT – Export to XHTML – Generate XML Documentation – Copy / Cut / Pasting – Export / Open XML Documents with a single click – Advanced Search and Replace – View/Compare and Compare XML Files – Change XML Files – Matching XML using Regular Expressions – View XML in the Inspector – Select Tag, Attributes, Elements and Text – Export XML as HTML – Drag and Drop – Preview XML Files – Show/Hide Details – Edit XML – Basic Editor Features – Reroute XML – Backspace – Document Properties – Preview XML Documents – Show the values of properties – Document preview – Autosave – Restore – Document History – Save / Restore – Document Update – Insert / Delete XML Tags – Bookmarks – Undo/Redo – Quick Search – Replace – File Sharing – Multi-Window – Working with XML files – Export Document – Quick XML Diff – Document Templates – Comparison Reports – Custom Document Templates – Insert Embedded Files – Execute External Commands – Custom Actions – Document Templates – Open XML Documents – Importing XML Documents – Auto-Generate XPath – Identify a tag name – Identify the text – Identify the value of an attribute – Identify the elements – Select the Tag – Create a Document – Working with Tag – Work with Attributes – Create a Document with a tag – Import an XML Document – Create a Document from a Template – Working with XSLT – Create an XML Document from an XSL File – Import a XSL Document – Create an XML Document with XSL – Create an XML Document using a XSL Template – Create an XML Document using an XSL Template – Generate an XML Documentation – Create an XML Documentation – Insert Documentation – Generate a documentation from a file – Create an XML Documentation – Insert a documentation – Insert a documentation – Insert a documentation – Create an XML Documentation – Insert Documentation – Customizing the editor – Add an Action to the editor – Hide / Show the 70238732e0
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KEYMACRO is an innovative, keyboard-only authentication tool that does not require a password, resulting in a very easy-to-use solution for Windows systems. Simply press the Caps Lock key, enter the number of the user you want to authenticate, and press Enter. The computer will then lock the user’s keylogger and log the passkey to a file.
KEYMACRO does not require the Admin password, does not modify any system settings or files, and does not store any passwords or keys. It is 100% keyboard-only, and it creates encrypted log files that are readable by those with the proper key. KEYMACRO has already been tested in combination with products such as WinSCP and TightVNC.
Keyboard-only and 100% safe
Keyboard-only authentication is a new technique which has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows you to log users in with a single keyboard stroke. While most other systems require some kind of password (usually provided by the user themselves), KEYMACRO works purely by keystroke and requires no user intervention.
The keylogger works by intercepting the keystrokes made by the user and, upon entering the correct passkey (also the same used to authenticate the user), displays a message on the screen. It does not modify any system settings, files or passwords, and it does not store any data on the system.
No installation required, no user involvement, and 100% safe
KEYMACRO is completely keyboard-only, does not require the admin password, and does not modify any system settings or files. It creates encrypted log files that are readable by those with the proper key, but which cannot be read by any other program.
The program can authenticate over WinSCP, TightVNC and Filezilla, and it can also log you in to Windows servers, allowing you to connect to any machine with no user intervention.
If you wish to connect to a remote machine using a remote connection utility, you will need to enter the server IP address and port. Then, select the number of the user you want to log in to and hit the Caps Lock key, typing the correct passkey in the next window. Once you have typed the passkey, the system will lock the passkey log file and store it locally. KEYMACRO will then log you in, using the passkey and username that you typed.
Keyboard-only authentication is a great solution for users that prefer using a keyboard-only§ion=guestbook§ion=guestbook