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The “Windows Aerials” dynamic theme is a set of wonderful aerial photographs of the European countryside. These images were chosen to give you a fresh perspective of the European landscape and inspire a change of scenery. The dynamic theme shows the characteristics of this theme:
– It is made up of ten distinctive images, all of them divided into two types: those taken from a moving airplane, and those taken by a high-powered camera mounted on the front of a balloon.
– These different photos illustrate different landscapes, like the mountains in the Alps, the woods in the Netherlands, and the mountain ranges in Spain. The images are taken from above, looking down at the landscape from above, or looking up at the landscape from above.
– This theme uses the Bing maps images to match the altitude, position, and scale of the pictures, and uses the images of the country and region, with or without labels.
How to download and install the theme:
– Click on the link above and open the ZIP file.
– Locate and unzip the folder named as “Windows Aerials”.
– Double-click on the desktop shortcut.
– Choose the folder to install the theme.
– Choose the keyboard shortcut to open the theme.
How to use:
– The Windows Aerials theme is fully functional and dynamic. Once activated, the theme changes automatically using an RSS feed.
– The characteristic images and different photos are displayed in separate windows, as well as with a slideshow for each location.
– This theme is designed to show the landscape of the country or region, with or without labels, and gives you a fresh perspective of the beautiful European countryside.
*Windows Aerials theme can be downloaded at the end of the article.Is this an effective way to earn money? The negative is that it is not effective. If you check the screenshot of the system, you will know that the user interface of the system is easy to navigate. The user will learn how to manage the system as they learn how to operate it.
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Photo Slideshow Maker Lite is a powerful multimedia creator which offers users the ability to create slideshows which include images, videos, audio clips and music.
Besides the slideshow software, the program also sports a built-in editor that allows you to create all kinds of slideshows including “single” and “multi”. You can also control its settings, add transitions, customize the “playlist” or go back to the preview.
With Photo Slideshow Maker Lite, you can easily create flash slideshows with the help of preset themes, go to the “insert” tab and select the “drag and drop” function to insert photos and videos into the slideshow, change the size, location and rotation of the selected images and rotate the videos to different angles, edit the title, add a short description, and add links, as well as embed text messages and artclips.
The program sports a clean and straightforward layout, and offers the ability to insert music and arrange it according to the selected slideshow theme.
During our testing, we have noticed that Photo Slideshow Maker Lite performs at a quite good speed without putting a lot of stress on system resources. Plus, it also offers good-quality audio and visual quality without using up a lot