ADJCLOCK Crack With Full Keygen [2022-Latest]
ADJCLOCK is a small command line utility designed for automatic (non-resident) PC-clock adjustment. When called periodically (for instance from AUTOEXEC.BAT), the program tries to compensate for clock inaccuracy.
ADJCLOCK Crack [April-2022]
1. Typing absolute clock value makes you jump to the timed event specified by the variables in the X-axis, while the clock runs at an absolute value. If you type absolute clock value, you will jump to the specified timed event immediately. The current time can be changed to match the specified time, and the program ends.
2. Typing a percentage value means that the time to jump should be scaled up or down by a given percentage. If you type 0.1, the program will try to slow the clock down, and if you type 0.9, it will speed up. Thus, relative percentages can be used to compare the clock speed of different systems.
3. The values in the X-axis can be integers or floating point values. Integers must be specified using a leading 0, and floating point values should be appended with the characters “f” and “g”.
4. The first time the program is called, the variables in the X-axis are loaded from the input stream. Variables are saved to the output stream. In the first call, if you specify absolute clock values in the X-axis, all the events will occur at the absolute clock time specified. In each subsequent call, if any of the variables in the X-axis has a value less than zero, the current clock time will be set to 0 seconds, and the event specified by that variable will not occur. It is assumed that the background process continues running during the period in which the program is inactive, so non-transient program events are not effected by the clock adjustment.
5. The program can be used in two modes. When called once with a set of parameters, it uses the absolute clock values, and only attempts to correct the clock speed as necessary. When called periodically, it uses the relative clock values, and tries to compensate for clock differences as necessary. When called periodically, the command line is changed to contain the absolute clock values in the X-axis. If an attempt is made to adjust the clock rate, the program ends. If the specified event does not occur within 1000 milliseconds, the correct clock is assumed to have been set, and the program ends.
6. For the first usage, ADJCLOCK can be called from the autoexec.bat file using the syntax:
ADJCLOCK parameter1 parameter2… parameterN
where the event specified by each “parameter” is either a single clock time, or a percentage of that time (measured
ADJCLOCK is a small command line utility designed for automatic (non-resident) PC-clock adjustment.
ADJCLOCK [-s] [-g] [-j ] [-e ] [-f ]
-s: starts the adjustment, after calling -b, -s, and -g with the specified offset and period, it will jump to the offset and stop
-g: starts the adjustment, after calling -s, this program will never stop
-j: sets the adjustment to the specified hours, minutes, and seconds (default is 12 hours, 20 minutes, and 46 seconds)
-e: sets the adjustment by the specified offset from the current GMT time
-f: sets the adjustment by the specified time when call with -s
-b: starts auto adjustment program which last ran with -s, -g, and -e
For the full usage, go to the F.A.Q.
Known limitations and bugs:
–Windows 98/Me, Win2000 does not work correctly!(which was before including This Program in a 9x Edition)
Feel free to contact me at if you have any problems or suggestions.
Mutli-dimensional array in.NET?
I would like to be able to have a one dimensional array which can contain different arrays inside it.
I would like to have a structure like this:
public class Cell
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public static int Row { get; set; }
public int RowIndex { get { return Row; } }
public class Cube
public static int Row { get { return Cell.Row; } }
public static class CellSpan
public static int CellIndex { get { return Cell.RowIndex; } }
It would be very easy to create a static array where you specify the number of rows (i.e. 4) and the number of columns (i.e. 2) and specify the array dimensions, but I want to be able to dynamically add arrays to this array.
For clarification, this is what I’m trying to accomplish. I want to be able to define the size of the array in the containing class but
ADJCLOCK is a small command line utility designed for automatic (non-resident) PC-clock adjustment. When called periodically (for instance from AUTOEXEC.BAT), the program tries to compensate for clock inaccuracy.
Update version
Sorry for my english, but I am still learning.
# PC-CLOCK – automatic (non-resident) PC-clock adjustment
# Date/Time PC-clock adjustment factors
# …..
# /or/ type factor correction
# ================================================ =============
# /
# Tue Dec 4 13:32:47 EET 2006 -0.017286649 -1.18384e-05
# Mon Sep 21 19:40:41 EEST 2006 -0.012783039 -1.18566e-05
# Mon Jul 4 17:59:17 EEST 2006 -0.006811337 -1.21853
What’s New in the ADJCLOCK?
The Utility ADJCLOCK is a small command-line utility, designed to operate
“in the background” on a PC. It periodically checks the time of day and adjusts the operating clock accordingly.
As it is non-resident and not resident in an operating system like DOS, it is not affected by the operating system clocks and not affected by the OS Last Modified Time (LMT) files. It could then be used to get the system clock optimized for a modem connection. It could also be used to synchronize the system clocks across networked PCs.
Suggested frequency (in seconds) to check:
> 9999999 (h=24 hours, m=60 minutes, s=60 seconds, ms=1 millisecond)
Program source available (for the old version: v0.3, v0.4):
There are also precompiled binaries available:
v0.3.x : [Win] Windows 2000, XP, vista, Server 2003
v0.4.x: Windows XP, Server 2003, vista, Server 2008
ADJCLOCK Installation:
Several actions can be accomplished while installing ADJCLOCK.
1. Uninstall the current clock from the system
1.1 Start with Administrator Privileges.
1.1.1 Find and uninstall the Windows Clock applet (if the system is
an older Windows XP/2000 system): Start>>Run>>Control Panel>>Add or Remove Programs In the list of installed programs, scroll to the bottom of the
list and locate “Windows Clock”. This will be either the name of
the exe file and/or the Product Name (for example,
“w32time.cpl” or “Microsoft Windows Windows 32 Time” [or Microsoft
Clock]. Remove the applet from the list of installed programs.
1.1.2 If the system is an older Windows NT or Windows CE, uninstall
it from the system: Start>>Run>>Control Panel>>Add or Remove Programs In the list of installed programs, scroll to the bottom of the
list and locate “Windows Time”. This will be either the name of
System Requirements:
Windows 7, Vista, or XP with Service Pack 2
Intel® Pentium® III (or AMD Athlon®) processor or equivalent. (Pentium 4, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad)
2 GHz processor speed or faster.
1 GB of memory (RAM) or higher
256 MB of graphics memory (VRAM) or higher
At least 755 MB of hard disk space
DirectX®9.0c compatible video card
2 GB of available hard drive space
A Windows®-based